Frequently asked questions

When will my order reach me?

Depends on the shipping company chosen and who is responsible for delivery. We provide a group of passengers and their families from major cities. It takes 1 to 3 days from the request to be confirmed.

Is there delivery outside the country?

Currently, the contracted shipping companies deliver within the country from the cities specified on the delivery page. All cities that the shipping company's representative reaches are displayed.

You can order outside the country from the warehousing team via WhatsApp, modify the product weight information, freight forwarder pricing, and register offline third parties in the store.

Is there a manufacturing defect in the product?

You must go back and read the return policy to know the terms of return and exchange, and in the event of a manufacturing defect, it has been agreed to return, and the shipping value of the company is calculated, as well as the return shipping on a customer. As for the value of the product, it is not calculated on the customer according to the return policy.

I want to order a large quantity. Is there a discount?

It provides a delivery service for large quantities in the event of ordering, and there is a discount of up to 10-20% on some products. You can contact us directly through the Contact Us page and inquire about quantities and discounts.